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Фотографии Lexus GS300
Фотографии Lexus GS300
11 August 2013 в 19:03
Последний раз отредактировал URLAKING, 11 August 2013 в 19:10
блог сообщества VipStyle →
GS300 VipStyle
So recently I dug up some old VIP pictures from possibly a year ago, and realized how even still, while the envelope is still being pushed, this setup is still CRAZY. Now I can’t really remember the exact setup, but what I do remember is that this thing was rocking -25 offset all the way around. With a flush stance laid out on the ground, this GS300 still sets the standard. Enjoy the beat.
GS300 VipStyle
So recently I dug up some old VIP pictures from possibly a year ago, and realized how even still, while the envelope is still being pushed, this setup is still CRAZY. Now I can’t really remember the exact setup, but what I do remember is that this thing was rocking -25 offset all the way around. With a flush stance laid out on the ground, this GS300 still sets the standard. Enjoy the beat.
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